Today is my 20th birthday! I can’t believe it’s already 2018 – time goes by so fast! I’m not a teenager anymore LOL – and of course I’m one step closer to that big day.. the big 21 is just a year away!
In honor of my birthday, today’s post is going to be 20 fun facts about me… but before I get into it here’s a little background…
If you didn’t know, I currently attend the University of Alabama. Yes, the one in Tuscaloosa. I’m a sophomore here, and I’m currently studying finance. Originally, I’m from Atlanta, GA – born and raised – but clearly I chose the right football team haha (and if you don’t watch college football you need to start!!). And obviously, I am passionate about fashion.
Now that you know a little bit about me lets go ahead and get into the fun (and maybe strange) facts!
- I was born on Friday the 13th – Friday February 13th, 1998
- I have a 4.0 college GPA right now – I know its early but… at Alabama if you graduate undergrad with a 4.0 you get to wear a red cap (instead of black like everyone else)! So cross your fingers for me!!
- I plan EVERYTHING. I write in a planner and I keep a calendar on my computer. I plan what I’m going to do for most hours of the day. I’m constantly thinking 3 steps ahead. If I don’t plan, I’ll panic. I’m very Type A.
- I have two very different sides to me – on one hand I am a shy, introverted person that tries to keep to myself. But on the other hand, when I’m with people I know, I have a pretty big personality. I dance for no reason, I crack jokes, and I’m confrontational (I tell it how it is LOL).
- I’m only 5’2. When I was a younger, the doctor predicted I would only be 4’10, and said that I should start growth hormones if I didn’t grow a set amount of inches that year – but I did grow – and I made it to 5’2. It’s a miracle.
- I have a VERY big sweet tooth… I’ll eat just about any kind of dessert, any time. Brownies, cake, cookies, cupcakes, candy, you name it, I’ll eat it.
- Okay.. this one might be a bit strange but… on both of my hands, my middle finger is shorter than the pointer and ring fingers. I was born like that and have no idea how it happened… it’s not genetic, it doesn’t impact the function, it’s just like that.
- I’ve been dating my boyfriend – Cameron – since our freshman year of high school. He is from my hometown and also attends the University of Alabama! He is studying to be a metallurgical engineer – yeah, not many people know what that is either.
- I chopped my hair in October of last year – I haven’t had short hair since literally 4th grade so I was super scared to do it!! I’ve never had so many mixed feelings about doing something but I absolutely love it – I’m thinking about keeping it short for a while. Let me know what you guys think!!
- People say I’m a pretty good baker – I’ve thought about opening a small little bakery one day, but we’ll have to see where life takes me.
- I’d probably still cry if I got a shot. Needles freak me out. And so do spiders. I’d probably cry if a spider touched me too.
- I basically designed this entire new blog set up myself… of course Karina helped with the ideas but I worked on the functionality. Without knowing how to type one line of code, I developed this entire website. I’m very proud of that.
- I’m on the Morale committee for our University’s Dance Marathon. We raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals – the main dance event is this Saturday (the 17th) for 13 hours. Since I’m on Morale, I’ll be teaching a 7 minute dance to all the participants throughout the day!
- My favorite movie is Wedding Crashers. And my favorite quote comes from this movie.. “Rule number 76: No excuses play like a champion.”
- I’m a Tri Delta. Rush last year at Alabama was the largest rush in the world. There was 2700 girls rushing…. let’s just say it was an interesting experience.
- I was a competitive cheerleader until my freshman year of high school. I went to the cheerleading world’s twice. Those were my glory days.
- I’m studying abroad this summer with my boyfriend. We’ll be on a multi-destination trip to London, Paris, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Venice, Florence, and Rome… pics to come!!
- My favorite place to be is at the beach. My dream is to own a beach house, and live full time at the beach. I cant wait for this weather to be bright and sunny!
- I love stuffed animals. I still sleep with them.
- I might change to be a double major in finance and economics. I’m not sure. I have no idea what I want to do as a job when I graduate college, but sometimes you just don’t have everything figured out. I’m only 20 – I still have my whole life ahead of me.
|| Olivia ||