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OMG! Today is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. My day started off with stress, but turned into a very very proud moment.
Today was a typical Tuesday, and I woke up this morning knowing that I would study all day long for my economics exam at 2 o’clock. The exam was going to be difficult and confusing, and I was definitely stressing about how well I would do. I entered the exam feeling tired, overwhelmed, and ready to be done with it.
Well, flash forward to after my exam…. my mind was working overtime and my brain felt almost dead, but the first thing I did after I left my test was check my email – because even after an exam the work never stops. But the email I saw was special – it was an email from the Alabama School of Business congratulating me on my GPA and asking me to come pick up my red graduation cap.
If you don’t know, at an Alabama graduation ceremony, students wear black – black gowns and black caps. However, Alabama awards a red graduation cap to any student that achieves a 4.0 GPA when working towards their degree. Yes, it’s cumulative. And yes, it’s 8 semesters, 120 hours, worth of class time.
When I saw the email, I immediately got excited. Of course I knew my grades, and I knew that red hats were a thing, but there’s nothing quite like holding one in your hand that makes you feel proud. Proud of the last 4 years, proud of how hard you’ve worked, and proud of all the accomplishments you’ve achieved.
I know it’s just a hat – a silly and cheap piece of fabric that will probably make my head look a little crooked and a little wonky – But, that’s not the point. It’s not the hat that matters, it’s the symbolism behind it.
After 4 year of hard work, long nights, and countless Quizlets, I finally got my red cap. Everything feels surreal. I can’t believe that I’ll graduate college in 6 weeks time. Bottom line – hard work pays off.
Work hard towards your goals, even when they seem impossible. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. And don’t forget to be proud of yourself. You’ve come so far and achieved so much – and that’s worth celebrating!
|| Olivia ||
P.S. you can shop my outfit by clicking on any of the little picture widgets right below my photos!