Happy Thursday, everyone! We are almost to the weekend! I wanted to apologize for being us being MIA on here and on insta the last few weeks; we’ve been so busy with work and school that we haven’t had a chance to take pictures and plan ahead. To be honest, we’d would rather hold off until we had the time to get quality content together, than share half-hearted posts. We’re definitely working on getting back on track so we can post consistently again!
Today I’m sharing an amazing jewelry company that I am super excited about, The Starfish Project! How cute are the earrings I’m wearing in the pictures above? They are so versatile and go with almost any look! There are so many cute pieces on their site that it’s hard to choose! We wound up getting this necklace and this necklace too!
We not only love the jewelry this company creates, but their mission is so incredible that I have to share it with you guys. The Starfish Project is dedicated to helping exploited women escape human trafficking in Asia. They literally provide a safe home for these women and help counsel and educate them – how amazing is that?! They’ve employed over 100 of these women to make the jewelry you see on the site, and they’ve helped thousands of others. When you buy an item, you get a handwritten card from one of the women and you can really see the difference you’re making. It’s truly an incredible feeling.
Make sure to check out the Starfish Project here!
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Thanks to the Starfish Project for collaborating on this post!
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|| Olivia ||