Details: Top | Jeans | Shoes | Necklace
Details: Top | Jeans | Shoes | Necklace | Purse
Details: Top | Jeans | Necklace
Details: Top | Pants: Similar, Similar, Similar | Shoes | Purse
Olivia and I took a weekend trip to Las Vegas not too long ago, so I made sure to take some vlogs while we were there to show you guys. It was a quick trip, but we made sure to fit in as much as possible while we were there!
We stayed at the Wynn hotel – our favorite place to stay in Vegas. We always stay there every time we go! It is so nice and classy. The first night we were there we didn’t make any plans. We arrived pretty late (I think it was around 8pm Vegas time – 11 pm our time). We went to eat at Allegro at the Wynn and then just hung out around the casino.
On Saturday morning we went to my favorite breakfast spot at the Wynn – Terrace Point Cafe! You can sit outside and it is so gorgeous. Then we hit the pool. It was over 100 degrees while we were there this weekend, so it was HOT. To be honest, it was slightly unbearable to layout. So, we stayed at the pool for a few hours and then went to the spa. I loveee massages, so we did that and got our nails done. That night, we had VIP booth tickets to the Backstreet Boys concert (basically my dream come true!). When I was growing up, the Backstreet Boys were so big, so I loved them as a child. I never got to see them in concert back then, so seeing them now brought me right back! The show was so good, so I definitely recommend checking it out if you’re headed to Vegas!
The next day we had breakfast at Terrace Point Cafe again, and then hit the pool. After a few hours we decided to go shopping across the street at the mall. This mall is huge and has every store you could want! That night we had tickets to the Criss Angel Mind Freak show. I’m not going to lie – I was kind of nervous at first. I’ve always been afraid of magic where they cut people in half or throw knives (that kind of thing), so I wasn’t sure if I’d like this one. But, the show wound up being really good and we both enjoyed it.
The next morning we had to wake up, pack, and leave – too soon! It was a quick trip, but we made the best of our time and had a blast. Let us know what your favorite shows in Vegas are so we can check them out next time we’re there!
|| Karina ||